Matsumoto Jun

New Straits Times, November 21st, 2011

Arashi in the local papers again! This time MatsuJun’s news on Lucky Seven, his upcoming drama with Eita and Oizumi Yo. (Which I’m totally looking forward to, btw ♥)
Yes, NST took the news from Tokyo Hive again, but this is way better than nothing 😀
image: taken w/ my camera phone, sorry about the quality!

MatsuJun’s New Hair

Best Beauty CM for Jun! But who am I kidding, this post really is about his hair.

Was going to post earlier after getting the heads up from Illy’s twitter but got distracted trying to write three fics. *wince* And making a video. And editing a (different) video. All at the same time. Ha.

Anyway. Jun’s new hair. I dunno. My first reaction was “OHNO, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY JUNJUN!?” Lol. Then I thought, it was cute on Ohno, maybe it could be cute on Jun. Then I thought… no, it’s not really that cute. Then I thought I could learn to like it (the way I actually sort of liked Sho’s permed hair), and then I thought, no, I couldn’t really. (more…)

Natsu no Koi wa Niji-iro ni Kagayaku

Title: 夏の恋は虹色に輝く (Summer Love Shines in Rainbow Colours)
Aired On: July 19th, 2010 – September 20th, 2010

My first post got eaten, and I’m kind of lazy to re-write everything I wrote before. It was a long post, too! *sighs* Although, since I’m doing a Shukudai-kun re-watch I wonder if I should do an Arashi drama re-watch, too? Hmm…

Anyway. The protagonist in NatsuNiji is Kusunoki Taiga (MatsuJun!), a second-generation actor who developed a complex from living in the shadow of his famous and talented father. He keeps botching up his auditions, and instead appears in variety TV shows more often than not. It is only when he meets Kitamura Shiori (Takeuchi Yuko <3), a single mother who seems to be his opposite, that his life starts to change.  (more…)