Arashi no Shukudai-kun #008

Aired On: November 20th, 2006

I swear, this particular episode had me LOL-ing like crazy. It just gets better and better. I can’t take any screencaps for this ep, unfortunately, because I can’t play it on my computer (but can play it on my DVD player, so I watched it there instead). The guest is actress Muroi Shigeru, and her homework for Arashi is for them to find out about underground places and shelters, etc. I’ve always found shelters interesting (okay, I find way too many things interesting so it doesn’t really count) and the idea of underground temples/churches is just so cool – plus the temple talked about in this show is by Tadao Ando (♥!).

Usually I’m not really interested in the image part of Shukudai-kun, but the conversation following this particular episode’s image submissions is just too precious. While talking about growing spurts during puberty, Nino claimed that there were times when he would suddenly feel pain when he was out with friends, and when they asked what was wrong, he’d say “I’m just growing.” (>_<) And then everyone (especially Aiba) started asking Muroi-san about girl’s puberty and asking questions like “do breasts grow together at the same time?” (what, instead of growing one by one?) and other silly stuff that had me rolling on the floor laughing. *wipes tears* I swear, this particular conversation reminds me of K because we’ve actually had this conversation before, which only made me laugh even more while watching this episode.

For the experiments corner, they try to find out if paper would be soaked in different speeds if dipped in different types of liquid. Conclusion: paper dipped in hot water gets soaked quicker than that soaked in normal water, soda water, milk, or oil. See, who says that television doesn’t teach you anything? Haha.

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